Dental plans

Learn about the dental plans available to you, your spouse and/or eligible dependant(s).

BC's College Pension Plan offers retired members, their spouses and eligible dependant(s) two optional dental plans – Essential Dental and Enhanced Dental – with different premiums, deductibles and eligible services.

Both dental plans cover part of the costs associated with preventive and restorative dental services.

See the Green Shield Canada My Benefit Plan booklet for details about eligible expenses, maximum reimbursements, deductibles and coverage.

Switching between the two dental plans

If you enrol in either the Essential Dental or Enhanced Dental Plan, you must remain a member of that dental plan for a minimum of 12 months. After 12 months, you may cancel your coverage. If you cancel, you cannot re-enrol in either dental plan unless you've had continuous coverage in a different plan.

If you enrol in the Essential Dental Plan, you must remain a member of this plan for 24 months before you can upgrade to the Enhanced Dental Plan.

If you enrol in the Enhanced Dental Plan, you cannot downgrade to the Essential Dental Plan.

External link for dental plans

Read the Green Shield Canada My Benefit Plan booklet