Enrolling in the pension plan

Learn how enrolment rules apply to you.

Eligible employees are enrolled in the plan upon hiring. Employees who are eligible to join BC's College Pension Plan include senior administrative staff and employees who provide educational services (including continuing education instructors and librarians).

If you are a part-time employee or casual staff member and expect to earn less than 50 per cent of the year's maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE) in a calendar year, you may opt out of the plan. To do this, you must sign a waiver. If you sign the waiver, you can choose to enrol in the plan at a later date. If your earnings reach 50 per cent of YMPE in a calendar year, you will automatically be enrolled in the plan by your employer.

Once you start contributing to the plan, you cannot opt out of enrolment later on.

As a plan member, you and your employer will both contribute to your pension each pay period until you stop working for your employer or until November 30 of the year in which you turn 71.

Related content for enrolling in the plan

Your pension and your job

Leaving your job