Submit a form to change your first or middle name(s)
Send us a form to let us know if you've changed your first or middle name(s).
Submit the form
- Complete the Declaration of change of name (first or middle name only) form online
- Print and sign the form
- Submit the form to BC's College Pension Plan
Another way to let us know of your name change
If you’re an active or inactive member, sign in to My Account and update your personal profile information.
If you’re an active, inactive or retired member, you can change your first or middle name(s) with this form.
If you’re a limited member, contact the plan to let us know your name has changed.
Required information
- The Declaration of change of name (first or middle name only) form
- For retired members only: a clear copy of your current identification
Download the form: Declaration of change of name (first or middle name only)
Check your request
Did you know you can now check the status of your service request using Message Centre? You'll find the link on your My Account dashboard.