Take it from an expert

Take it from an expert: Judy Wilbee

What can you expect from life after retirement? We interviewed retired member Judy Wilbee about her retirement experience.

Judy retired in 2002.

What was your profession before you retired?

I was a nurse before I began working at Thompson Rivers University in the nursing aide and homemaker program. I was involved in a lot of faculty work later in my career.

What’s the best part about being a plan member?

The pension! The security and peace of mind. We’re so fortunate. Knowing what we’re going to get each month is the major plus.

What advice can you give about retirement?

Yes, your lifestyle will change, but you will learn to get by well on what you have. The pension is wonderful.

How did you feel about your pension when you first started your career versus now?

Initially, I didn’t consider a pension. It wasn’t until I spoke to friends and colleagues that I became interested in the idea. I was working part time then, so I had to look at the value and decide whether it was worth it to me. I found that the mental and emotional value of feeling secure was so important that I decided to sign up. I am so thankful I did. I trust that the money will be there in my bank account—and it is.

Do you remember the first question you had when it was time to stop receiving a paycheque and start receiving your pension?

Will it be enough?

What do you look forward to in the next few years?

Oh my goodness! One of the things at the top of my list when I retired was to learn to play bridge. I still haven’t done that. I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. I’ve been on some interesting travels. I volunteer, golf, garden. We have a small boat. I don’t even read as much as I’d like to. I’m too busy. My husband is a fly fisherman and brought home some salmon, so I’ve been canning salmon. The possibilities are endless.

Family sitting on dock, smiling mother looking out across the water

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