Change your beneficiary online

Sign in to My Account to change your beneficiary if you are a retired member of the plan

Another way to change your beneficiary information

  • Submit the Change of beneficiary (for retired members) form to change your beneficiary(ies)
  • You can also name beneficiaries for your pension benefit in your will


You can change your beneficiary if you are receiving a:

  • Single life pension with a guarantee for 5, 10 or 15 years, and want to change your beneficiary(ies) or alternates during the guarantee period
  • Joint life pension with a guarantee for 5, 10 or 15 years, and want to name an alternate beneficiary(ies) should your spouse die before you during the guarantee period
Required information
  • If you are naming a person as a beneficiary, you need to provide their:
    • name
    • relationship to you
    • date of birth
  • If you are naming an organization as a beneficiary, you need to provide its exact name (and chapter or branch, if applicable); including the organization's Canada Revenue Agency registration number may help ensure faster payment
  • If you are naming a trust, it is helpful to include the trust account number