Changes to retirement group health benefits

The Public Service Pension Board of Trustees has completed a review of health benefits for retired members and made changes to improve prescription drug coverage.

Improved coverage for most prescription drugs

We have made changes to improve coverage for most prescription drugs starting January 1, 2022. Eligible retired members will have a grace period to transition to the new drug plan.

How health benefits are funded

As a retired member, you have access to optional extended health care (EHC) and dental coverage. Watch a video to learn more about how EHC subsidies are funded.

What we heard

Read a summary of what members told us about their prescription drug plan preferences.

Webinar recording on health benefits changes

Did you miss the live webinar in October? Or wish to review it? Watch a recording to catch up on what your plan’s health benefits consultant had to say about the announced changes.

Top Q&As from health benefits changes webinar

The board has committed to posting the top enquiries it received from its health benefits webinar.