Dividing your pension checklist
If you are dividing your pension, use this checklist to make sure you have everything covered.
There are three main steps to dividing your pension:
- You or your former spouse submits a separation agreement or court order to BC’s Public Service Pension Plan telling us how to split the pension
- Your former spouse applies to become a limited member of the plan (a limited member is a former spouse of a plan member who is entitled to a portion of the plan member’s pension) and pays the fee
- Your former spouse (now a limited member) applies for a benefit when you turn 55
A detailed look
Here is a more comprehensive checklist of what you need to do to divide your pension after a separation or divorce:
- If you wish, submit a Release of information authorization form to allow us to share information about your pension with others, such as a lawyer or actuary
- Send us one of the following documents telling us how we should divide the pension between you and your former spouse:
- complete, signed separation agreement
- registered court order
- (if a separation agreement or court order is not available) Form P9 Agreement to have benefits divided under part 6
- Tell us if the name or address of you or your former spouse changed after the separation or divorce
- Submit copies of proof-of-age documents, such as a valid Canadian passport (photo page) or a driver’s licence
Your former spouse may wish to:
- Claim an interest in your pension, so we have permission to send them information about your pension
- Become a limited member of the plan, so they can receive their share of your pension directly from the plan
Related content for dividing your pension checklist
Authorize us to share your pension information
Acceptable documents to prove your age and identity