Periods of reduced pay
Find out how to buy service if you worked less than your full assignment for a period of time.
If you worked less than your full assignment for a period of time, you may be able to buy the difference between your normal, full assignment and the amount you actually worked.
To buy service for a period of reduced pay, you must have:
- Been employed by your employer for three years before the period of reduced pay
- Worked at your full assignment at some point before the period of reduced pay
- Continued working for the employer during the period of reduced pay
- Started your period of reduced pay after March 31, 2008
For 2020 and 2021 only: If you worked a period with reduced pay in 2020 and/or 2021, you may be eligible to buy service even if you worked for your employer for less than three years. The federal government temporarily suspended this requirement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Active members who experienced a period of reduced pay in 2020 and/or 2021 have 5 years from the end of this period, to apply to purchase this service.
Application deadline
There is a deadline to buy service for a period of reduced pay. You must apply on or before the earlier of:
- Within five years of the end of the period of reduced pay OR
- Leaving the employer you were working for when the period of reduced pay occurred.
If you normally work less than 100 per cent full time, you can only buy enough service to bring you up to the amount of your normal full assignment.
Contact your employer if you are interested in buying service for a period of reduced pay.