Pensions and marital breakdowns: information for lawyers
Lawyers are often asked to advise clients about dividing a pension benefit between a plan member and a former spouse. Learn more about the information and documents we need to administer a pension following a relationship breakdown.
Submit proof-of-age documents
BC's Public Service Pension Plan requires copies of proof-of-age documentation from both the plan member and the former spouse. We recommend that this documentation be submitted along with the complete signed separation agreement or registered court order.
If your client and their spouse do not submit proof-of-age documentation, we will not be able to finalize payment of the pension benefit.
A clear and legible copy (either physical or electronic) of one of these documents is acceptable as proof of age and/or identity:
- Valid BC identification (BCID) card
- Valid photo BC Services Card
- Canadian birth certificate
- Canadian Citizenship Certificate
- Canadian marriage certificate (with date of birth)
- Valid Canadian passport (photo page)
- Valid Canadian provincial or territorial driver's licence
- Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad
- Valid NEXUS card
- Ontario Health Card
- Valid permanent resident card
- Valid Secure Certificate of Indian Status (secure status card) or Certificate of Indian Status (status card)
A clear and legible certified true copy of one of the following documents is also acceptable:
- Valid, unexpired foreign driver's licence
- Valid, unexpired foreign passport
If you don't have access to any of these documents, please contact the plan for acceptable alternatives.
If the member or former spouse has changed their name and none of the proof-of-age documentation received reflects the change, we require all legal name-change documents or marriage certificates to confirm the name change.
External links for information for lawyers
Read the BC Law Institute's Questions and Answers about pension and division