Who you can name as a beneficiary

Learn who you can name as a beneficiary to receive your pension benefit when you die.


If you are married or in a common-law relationship of more than two years, your spouse is automatically your sole beneficiary. You can also name an alternate beneficiary(ies) in case your spouse dies before you.

If you do not have a spouse, or your spouse gives up their beneficiary rights to your pension benefit, you can name other people as your beneficiary(ies). These can include your children, other family members, friends or others. You can also name organizations, trusts or your estate as beneficiaries.

Sign in to My Account to view your current beneficiary information. If you are eligible to do so, you can also name and change your beneficiary(ies) in My Account.

If you are applying for your pension, part of the pension application process involves naming your beneficiary(ies). As a retired member, you may be eligible to change your beneficiary(ies) depending on the pension option you selected.


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