Governance documents
Explore the laws, regulations and internal governance documents that guide the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees.
The work of the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees is guided by the Joint Trust Agreement and subject to legislation, regulations and plan governance documents, including the following:
Governance documents of BC's Teachers' Pension Plan (internal links)
2023-2025 Strategic Plan
The strategic plan guides the board and its committees in responding to issues, providing context and guidance to service providers and establishing a framework for discussion with plan partners and authorities.
Posted: March 23, 2023
Funding Policy
This policy outlines the principles that guide the board and its actuary in managing the financial position of the Teachers' Pension Plan.
Posted: March 6, 2025
Federal and provincial legislation (external links)
Family Law Act
This provincial legislation describes the legal requirements when dividing financial assets after a spousal relationship breaks down.
Income Tax Act
This act describes the rules and definitions used to determine, among other things, taxable income and the amount payable.
Income Tax Regulations
These regulations outline how to apply the Income Tax Act, including details about calculating taxable income, pension plan limitations, applying deductions and filing information returns.
Pension Benefits Standards Act
This provincial legislation provides the rules and definitions that apply to BC's regulated pension plans.
Pension Benefits Standards Regulation
Along with the Pension Benefits Standards Act, this regulation applies to BC's regulated pension plans.
Public Sector Pension Plans Act
This provincial legislation set the joint governance framework; it also established British Columbia Pension Corporation and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation.
Wills, Estates and Succession Act
This provincial legislation describes the legal requirements when writing a will and distributing the assets of an estate.