Planning for retirement

Thinking about retiring? Learn more about your retirement options so you can make decisions with confidence.

Introduction to retirement

Learn about the factors affecting the amount of your lifetime monthly pension from the plan.

Other sources of retirement income

In addition to your pension, other sources of retirement income can include your own personal savings and federal government pension programs.

When you can retire

Learn how your age at retirement affects the value of your pension.

Early retirement

Retiring before the normal retirement age will affect your pension. Here are the key points to consider.

How we calculate your pension

We calculate your pension based on your years of service and the average of your five highest years of salary.

Get a pension estimate

Use the personalized pension estimator to find out what your monthly pension payment might be, based on your salary and years of service.

Choose your pension option

This important decision will determine the amount of your lifetime monthly pension payments and the amount your spouse or beneficiaries may receive when you die.

Change your pension option

You have 60 days from the date on the letter notifying you that your pension has been granted to change your pension option.

Pre-retirement checklist

Stay on track as you plan for retirement.

Book an appointment

Get personalized answers to your pension questions in a one-on-one phone appointment with a trained representative.


Approaching retirement

Planning for retirement is a big deal. Take the 45-minute online course or participate in the 75-minute instructor-led webinar.

Start learning