Your community

Group of volunteers

Your social connections, redefined

Leaving your job can mean leaving behind social connections that were once a big part of your daily life. You may even find yourself missing these daily social interactions. That feeling is typical, but it doesn’t have to be permanent.

If you’re craving new connections, check out the resources available in your community.

Connect with other retired plan members

Since 1945 the BC Retired Teachers’ Association (BCRTA) has been your voice - if you receive a TPP pension you are eligible to join as a voting member. BCRTA provides informative pre-retirement workshops to assist you in retirement planning and has 48 branches around BC. BCRTA speaks up for your pension security and important issues such as public health care. Members have access to retailer discounts and group insurance plans including travel, health and dental.

BC Retired Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association (BCRPVPA) is a group of retired professionals with common goals and interests. It promotes the welfare of its members, fosters liaisons among members and active principals and vice-principals, and supports young people by providing scholarships and bursaries.

BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA) is dedicated to transforming, reforming and innovating, leading, and learning together.